Health Ministry
Our Mission
The mission of YBS Community SDA Church Health Ministry is to share hope and wholeness through the healing power of Christ.
By promoting whole-person health principles we demonstrate the love of God, who’s desire is “that all is well with you and that you enjoy good health in the same way that you prosper spiritually” (3 John 2, CEB). By linking biblical spirituality with practical health principles, we help each other find healing for our afflictions and hope for our future.
Health Ministry is the graphic illustration of the gospel of Christ, and the message of God in practice. Without it, the gospel witness is muted; it is merely a theory, an idea.
By connecting together, we can be more effective in promoting the health, healing, and wholeness of the community.
(NAD Health Ministries Dept)
How We Serve
- We promote a healthful lifestyle among Your Bible Speaks Church members and the greater Portland and extended community These programs focus on health promotion, disease prevention, and possible disease reversal information content, and offer referral assistance
- We conduct health seminars and workshops aimed at educating other church members to become leaders for service in health ministries.
- We partner with other Your Bible Speaks church ministries to support church growth through mission outreach.
Our signature program is entitled “TOUCH OF HEALTH.”
~ Be in Good Health ~
Your Bible Speaks Community SDA Church, Touch of Health Ministry Team
Tom Hall: 702 448-0294
[email protected]